Saturday, September 29, 2012

Of Corse I'm back.

Well look who's back. 
After that birthday rant of mine I let some weeks pass by and I find it is time now to elaborate on what's been going on. As I didn't mention, I had to fly back to Mexico in order to get my French visa... yes, I know, I got to Corsica with all my bags and ready to set roots before realising I couldn't. Pff. 

So then, I flew the long way cause it was just so improvised that I required assistance from the Captain, who got me this cheap as hell ticket that unfortunately had 4 stops. 

So there began my torture: Corsica - Paris - Doha - Sao Paulo - Santiago de Chile - Mexico. That's three days on a plane! (Four on my way back because I had an 18 hour layover in Sao Paulo)

That was way and back O brothers, I am presently at ORLY airport in Paris waiting for the last last last flight that will bring me back to Mother Corse. 

But I'm getting ahead of myself a little. My time in Mexico: pretty bleh. I was there for a month and a half, and during the first month I almost didn't stand up from the couch. Mexican TV is so good, I watched Law and Order SVU nonstop for days, and then I got a little depressed. The last weeks were better, I went to X. to visit W<3, and I fell in love again with my cats and they with me. That was so ridiculously awesome, spending time with them, one of them would curl on my lap regardless of where I was sitting and the other slept under the covers and demanded to be spooned at all times. 

Bad parts of my stay in Mexico: FRENCH CONSULATE DICKHEAD in charge of the visas. What an asshole that man was. If anyone who's ever submitted a visa application at the French consulate in Mexico city reads this, you'll know, you'll remember... that son of a gun whose only purpose in life is to make the people who go there suffer medieval style. He was like one of those 'detective' kind of priests from the Inquisition, only behind his stupid glass window. PLUS they took 3 weeks longer than they should have to process my application! I had to delay my flight back because of them... Oh, I've been to consulates around the world in my time, and none of them, none whatsoever compares to the French one, they make the Chinese consulate look like a candy store, they're pure evil, they are. 

'Do you know they speak mostly Italian in Corse? Why don't you just go to Africa, they speak French there too...' what an assssshooole!! That's what he said to my sister anyways, she was so distressed she wanted to answer back 'Yeah well they speak Spanish in Cuba too, wtf are YOU doing in MY country?!', but fortunately she held back. Little volcano my little sister is. 

Oh yes, my sister is already in Corsica, she's going to school with me. My mother swears we will kill each other, but that, only time will tell. 

Hmm, it'll be about two more hours before I can check-in. Gives us time to make a list! I know someone who LOVES lists with an H. 

Things to do in ORLY:

1. Charge your computer. 
2. Enjoy 15 minutes of free wi-fi. 
3. Walk. 
4. Go to the bathroom (this category shall include activities such as hand washing and bladder relief)
5. Buy bread and coffee. 
6. Smoke in designated areas (or as they call it here: gtfOUT)
7. Pretend you understand the titles of the books at the magazine stores when in fact you're thinking if it would be too obscene to buy that huge bar of Toblerone that's staring at you from the counter. 
8. Buy a huge bar of Toblerone. 
9. Wonder why working French people are always so damn sick of life. 
10. Read a book?

I guess that's about all you can do, doing just the first 9 took me about an hour. Hooray, 3 more to go until check-in and then it's all uphill from then. 

I miss them cats of my life <3

Corsican word of the day: A Muntagnola (the mountain woman, whatever, that was the name of an ice-cream combination I liked and the only thing I could think of)

6 Hours before landing back on Corsica feeling: exhausted.