It was an interesting evening, C. planned for us to meet at a bar right at the end of Henshan Rd. Behind Xujiahui Park, turns out they have this promotion on Mondays, buy one get one free on imported beers, only we were there on a Sunday.
What do you do, huh?
Well we bought some beers in the convenience store and headed straight for the park. Hadn't gone drinking in a park for years now. High point of the night: Milk hid behind a bush and jumped on an innocent Chinese couple on their night stroll.
The guy protected himself using his girlfriend as cover, for real. You can't make this stuff up.
We ended up in a KTV right behind Metro City with this insane promotion, one fucking hundred yuan for the whole night until 6 am. Of course, their selection of English songs wasn't the best, still Milk managed to sing his brains out.

Chinese word of the day: Half-price, ban4jia3 半价
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