Thursday, November 15, 2012

Giving Christmas some serious thought

Everyone talks about how they wanna go back home for Christmas. 
I'd be lying if I didn't say it crossed my mind as well, I thought about going back to Mexico and then I thought about going back to China. 
But now, I'm thinking Europe. I mean what the hell, I'm already here. 
If I were in Mexico right now I'd be dying to go somewhere else, somewhere different and somewhere no one I know has ever been to. 
Or something like that. 

I thought about going to Romania, plane ticket's not that expensive and it's closer than Norway, on the downside, I don't know anyone in Romania... but wouldn't it be awesome to spend Christmas in Transylvania? I mean who the hell does? I'd do it, just because. 

And there's always Moscow. Moscow, Moscow. Mos-cow. Ah. 

Alright, to class. 

1 comment:

Ruud said...

Christmis in Oslo? Sounds like a treat! Although for some reason I imagine spending Christmas in Romania as chugging beer in a rundown, isolate bar while fighting off rabid gypsies, which doesn't sound half bad for a Christmas either ;p