Sunday, June 02, 2013

Just finished a portrait in pastels. I copied it from a very old picture where all the colors had faded, so it was kind of hard. All I knew for sure was that the girl in the dress (my aunt) is wearing a traditional black dress from Chiapas, with ridonculous colors all over. My aunt suffers from hydrocephalus, and right now it's too advanced, she cannot get up from her bed anymore, so I wanted to give this drawing to my dad, you know. Cause he lives in fucking Qatar and can't see her as often as he'd like. So this is what happened. 

Alrigt, there you have the original photo (of a photo) and then there's the final result. A thousand days after I had decided I was finished, I realised I had forgotten the necklace and the bracelet. But honestly, they're waaay too small to even notice them on the original photo. I did make the arm longer than it should be, that's why she looks a bit lanky on the drawing, but hey! Close enough. Close enough. 


Packin' my bags. Packin' my bags. Singin' a song. Singin' a song. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

I make Magicks


Soooo, I finally couldn't sleep with my jeans on, so at some point during the night I just took them off. Whatever. Buuuut the real good news is that I'm FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY going back to Shanghai. Got my plane ticket and everything. I arrive on the 3rd of June at 3 pm.

Which is awesome because today it's the 31st of May. So that means... two more days and I can hop on a Qatar Airways flight once again. God I love that airline. I love it even more since we get special tickets right at the front of the plane mewhaha.

In a way it's sort of unfortunate because Blogspot is blocked in China, so I won't be able to blog as often as I'm now used to. Whoah, pity, right? I've got two regular readers and one of them is myself haha.

Whatever. I have a new blog now where I post updates about the mangas I translate (Chinese RAWS/Spanish, maaaaybe one day Chinese Manhua/Spanish, which would be awesome).

I'm gonna miss Qatar. Am I?

Arabic bread.
Lamb stuff. Gods I love lamb.

Everything else I like is either cheaper or better in China. SO I'M HAPPY!!!!

我等了这么这么久,终于能回中国了。在办签证的时候我兴奋的不得了了我妹妹都觉得丢脸,不过这一点也没办法,兴奋就是兴奋,要在大使馆里跳舞的话就必须跳舞吧!而我跳了半天到跳不了就再跳了一点 mwahaha mwahaahahahaaaaaa...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

work at night

Gotta break in my new jeans. I'm wearing them to bed, must must mwahaha. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Something FANTASTIC this way comes. 

LOVE STAGE!! is getting an anime adaptation!! Whaaat!!? 
Damn straight!!! 
Best thing that's happened since they announced Yokozawa was getting one as well!! 

(Scans by 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

A little bit of this...

And a little bit of that. 

Alright, so I've been in Doha, Qatar for almost a month now. We weren't supposed to stay for longer than two weeks, since we were only waiting for our residence permits in order to apply for our Chinese visas and haul ass straight back to Shanghai. 

But that hasn't happened yet. Excuse my French but they are ridiculously anal concerning the paperwork that needs to be submitted. I mean, I'm 26 years old and they demanded the original, English and Arabic translations of my parents' divorce certificate where it should clearly state that my dad has my custody. What the hell, right? That custody stopped existing the moment I turned 18 years of age. Of course, I'm blaming it on the fact that divorces aren't a common sight in the muslim world. At least I hope so, for I'd never in my life felt more judged and pitied for being a divorce child. Not even when my parents actually divorced a good 15 years ago... I couldn't stop laughing though, when they dragged us to the office of I'm guessing the man in charge of all this nonsense and he pointedly asked us "Who is your father?" I mean you gotta laugh. 

But enough of that. I'll blog a little about Doha itself. It's annnnn interesting place, to say the least. 

Like I've mentioned before, it's beige and sandy. It really, really is. All buildings are the same colour except for the skyscrapers, for yes, there are skyscrapers on the other side of the river, god, the water is damn beautiful, and guess what? It's the goddamn Persian Gulf. Never in my life I imagined I'd one day go swimming in the waters of the Persian Gulf. Teh. Hell. 

So anyways, my dad lives here. When he's not flying somewhere he takes us in his car to ride around the city at night because it's fucking nice. I knew I was a city person after a couple of months of living in Corsica because I missed seeing tall buildings. I missed the city lights at night and the noise of bikes and terribly loud engines. Well, they've got all that here in Doha. Just a few nights ago we went out to dinner and on our way back home, about 10 bikes surrounded the car at a stop light and the leader was riding the biggest most bitchin' pink bike I've ever seen. I tried to snap a picture as fast as I could but I only managed a quick one right before they speed off at a thousand miles per hour on their back wheel. Bad asses they were. 
I know it doesn't look like a big bad ass bike but I promise you, O brothers, it was a sight. And because they were all wearing helmets, I silently nursed a crush for each and every single one of them. Because of the helmets, of course. I recently discovered I have a thing for helmets. And masks. (Hellooo, Darth Vader)
Our first week here was quite uneventful, our dad was out a lot so we were just hanging out at the hotel villa place where his apartment's at. They've got a nice gym and a swimming pool so we weren't doing much touring around. I mean of course we went to the first mall we set our eyes on and made a bee line straight for the cinema because after what happened in Paris, I was seriously dying to watch Iron Man 3. They had nachos! Haha. 

Alright, on to the prettier sights. There's this building, not especially tall but ridiculously beautiful. I'm not quire sure how to describe it. Imagine a penis. Alright, breathe, read on. Imagine a penis made of glass. Now imagine a pickelhaube, you know, one of those round helmets with a pointy spike, like from the Prussian army. Alright, so now imagine a giant yielding arabesque metal plate. Now put them together. What do you get? Why, what else? One of the most beautiful buildings ever created! 
It's like it has no walls. I mean, quite literally, it has no walls. The interior is completely made of glass, while the outer 'walls' are made of a giant metal arabesque pattern that lights up at night. It is by far my favorite building in Doha, quite possibly in the entire world. (And there are some beautiful buildings in Shanghai, mind you.) I have no idea what it's called and I've no idea what's inside but I want it. I want it. I want it. It's only worth it at night though, when it lights up. During the day you can barely tell since it's more difficult to peek inside. It's like lace. That's it! It's like a giant penis covered in iron lace. 

I know how that sounds, thank you very much. I've been reading way way to many Vegeta lemons. Seriously though, I've come across some fantastic lines. Whether or not I'll adapt them as pick-up lines, only time will tell. Like this one, check it: "She climaxed just as many times as bad erotica claimed a woman could, smack in the face of impending doom." I mean, come on if that isn't one of the most disturbingly awesome lines in fanfiction history! (How to Make Love to a Saiyan, by Caprice, profile) 

Ahh, okay then. I'm gonna go hit the pool. I'll end this post with a crappy picture of a beautiful sight. The Corniche at night. Gawd, that rhymed. 

Feeling nostalgic, of corse.

Don't you just love it when an otherwise fine picture is completely ruined by the faces? View from the top of a village called St. Antonino, north west side of Corsica. Gawd, I was going through some pictures and I really do miss it a bit now... I miss green things and freaky weather. Qatar is just beige and sandy. 

Oh, by the way, I finally got around sewing my Capsule Corp patch on the left side of my leather jacket. Now it is just beyond awesome. 
Ahh, Corsica. The last few days we were there, every little thing about the island annoyed me. From the rocky streets to the smell of cats, the poor service in every restaurant, the cheap wines, the pretty people, did I already mention the freaky weather? Sunny and raining at the same time, it's not something you see everyday. And two rainbows at the same time, right next to each other? By the end it was all annoying me to no end. Not to mention the fact that these damn Corsicans build their streets with river rocks, so it's fucking slippery the second it starts to rain? God, rivers. I miss those damn things. But I still think we left at the right time. Right before it got swamped by tourists. 

And no matter what everyone says, winter in Corsica is a damn glorious thing. There's absolutely nothing to do, but it's glorious nonetheless. I guess I won't be eating wild boar stew and drinking home made mulled wine by the fireplace while it snows outside any time soon. Sigh. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Why Jason Stathan should stop making movies.

Am I the only one who's tired of watching yet another driving/killing action movie trailer starring Jason Statham every time I go to the movies? 
I swear, every time I go to the cinema, its either that or yet another poster that looks exactly like the previous one. 
Seriously, look at this:


I mean come on!! If I were to change the titles and mismatch the covers, no one would know. It's the same goddamn poster over and over again! Doesn't anyone else see it? And not just that, it's the same damn character in EVERY damn movie... Except for Lock, Stock and two smoking barrels and Snatch. Those movies were good
But even in those movies he's either driving fast or holding a gun. Or driving while holding a gun. Or driving, stopping, then taking out his gun. Or putting his gun away before driving. 
Real bad asses don't need guns. Nor do they drive. They fly and shoot ki blasts. 
It's annoying enough that he doesn't change his look, (I mean even Woody Harrelson has had long hair at least once!). I want him to get out of his comfort zone and star in a Pedro Almodovar movie. That's what I want.  And in the poster, I want him to wear high heels and a shitload of makeup. And a long blonde wig. 

Oh, by the way, check it. 
"He was dead... but he got better"
What the FUCK is that supposed to mean? That's going on my top ten of most ridiculous movie lines ever, along with: 

The Avengers
Loki: "Free... from freedom." 

Snow white and the Huntsman
Snow white: "I rather die than live another minute of this death. "

Amongst many others, I honestly should make a list. Can you believe they're working on a Fast and Furions SEVEN?????? SEVEN!!! Who watches that?!?!!?! I mean... at least Harry Potter was building to an awesome ending but these... these movies, oh sweet jesus. 

Please stop. No more. I don't even watch those movies but having those trailers run before I watch MY movies is already too much to handle. Please stop Fast and Furious. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Found the best thing ever.
Ever heard of Team Four Star???
If you haven't, you should have. Big time.
Team Four Star is the best thing on the Internet yet.


The world really doesn't get any better than this.

Team Four Star Episode 34

"How did you survive?"
"Muffin butt--"
"Don't say muffin button."
"But it was!"


"Oh...  wow"
"Ah...Yep... "
"Gotta admit... even with the broken ribs you-- Oh... wait..."
"Where's your condom"
"The FUCK'S a condom?"


Verga y media

Vengo de atrabancarme un bufet todo lo que puedas comer de puros mariscos a donde nos invito mi papa y por dios... hace facil diez años que no necesito tomarme un seltzer gghoohhhhh que incomodez... 
Pero estuvo bueno ver la cara de mi hermana mientras se inhalaba media langosta jojojo lo mejor lo mejor lo mejor de todo fue que mi papa trabaja mañana y entonces no pudo tomarse ni si quiera una copa de vino, en cambio nosotras aprovechamos el todo lo que puedas tomar y nos jimbamos varias varias vaaarias copas de vino. 
Que ahora vienen a mordernos el trasero... 
Seltzer ven a mi... 
Ohhh... en el camino de regreso se nos acercaron unos motorizados al carro y se detuvieron a nuestro alrededor y cuando el semaforo se puso en verde, los seis levantaron las motos y corrieron facil unos cien metros sobre la rueda de atras y yo asiiii de "Ooohhhh donde esta mi iPod para poner Manowaaaaaaaar"... fueron demasiado rapidos y mis reflejos de ballena con indigestion no me permitieron llegar al estéreo lo suficientemente pronto... 
Lastima. Pero si logré tomarle una foto a la moto rosa. 
Luego la postearé, oh si, oh si. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The end.

I have nothing else to say. Dragon Ball is over.

And I feel completely and absolutely, irrevocably devastated.

I'll go cry somewhere...

By the way, I never knew what happened to Bra. 

Holy fuck.

That's it, I'm officially a crying mess.

Last episode.

Goku leaves with the damn dragon but he wants to stop by Kame House to say goodbye to Krilin and that lecherous old man what's his face (Iiii'm just kidding, he's MAESTRO ROSHI of course!!!)

Where the hell is Bra?? She's still fucking missing... I'm worried about that child.



And noooow I'm weeping. I am actually weeping. The damn episode is not even over yet and I'm already shedding bitter tears.

So, right. Turns out Goku wasn't dead (ohmygodyoudon'tsay), so he started gathering energy for the Genkidama and now he wants the energy from everyone in the universe because, well, Earth is such a small and puny little planet, sooooo wahh... you know what really made me weep? I mean.. start weeping?? ...


With their little green hands all raised, ohh sweet jesus... sweet, sweet jesus...

Alright, play. 

Shit fuckity fuck

I think I'm just going to stop that video every 10 seconds to blog a little more because this is too much for my little purple heart to take.

OH MY GOD am I upset.

And now... and now, just when Gohan, Goten and Trunks were flying away with their friends... Trunks stops in mid-air and says "Goodbye, Mom" and then he turns around and flies back to Vegeta!!!!!! AAAAAAnd one beer is not going to be enough to get me over that one.

And, why the fuck not, Gohan stops in mid-air and says to Pan: "Take care of your mom" ... and then HE flies back to Vegeta!!!!!!! WAAAHHHH my panties are on the floor, whimpering!

And to top it all... Goten says to Buub, he says: "Take care of... the rest" or something along those lines, and then he flies back to Vegeta too.

By then I just watched 3 seconds of Bulma crying, I wasn't going to stop the video actually, but then it really hit me that she doesn't even KNOW where Bra is... I mean I knew she was a bad mom but Holy Fuck. Where the hell is Bra anyways? She's a damn Saiyan too, she should be fucking helping, not dead somewhere...

Agh, what do I do? What do I do?

... beer, anyone?

"My family hates me."

I refuse, refuse, zettai refuse!!!

I absolutely cannot continue watching Dragon Ball GT for TWO reasons:

  • It sucks. 
  • I'm on the second to last episode and I just can't watch them all DIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!! 
Alright, so they might not die, that's no news... after all the chapters are called "Goku saves the planet" and "Goodbye Goku", so Iiiii'm guessing Goku saves the planet and then he dies... 

But alright, there's an even bigger reason why I stopped the episode at 6:24... Vegeta just told Trunks, Gohan and Goten to leave the planet on Bulma's spaceship and save themselves... while he... while he... 

I can't believe I'm actually seriously upset... 

While he sacrifices himself... AGAIN!!!!! 
I miss him already and yet I know he doesn't fucking die... 

Wahh.. by the way, what the FUCK happened to Trunks?!?! Future Trunks used to be so manly and butch and perfect, but GT Trunks is just, I'm gonna say it, gay. 

And I fucking love gays. 

Not GT Trunks though... those beige shorts he wears... like momma bermudas. 



No fucking way.

Monday, May 20, 2013

He replied!!!!

He did!! He did!! He replied!!

AND I've got my grades too!! I'll be able to send everything tomorrow and then this nightmare will finally be over!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013


It's official, I'm a nervous wreck down.

I've had the longest night ever. It's 7:30 am and the night's not over yet. Literally. (Curtains are drawn and I don't want a single ray of light to invade my lunacy.)

Emailed my teacher...

I am so blogging it for two reasons: 1) I NEED to keep reading it over and over again until I find a goddamn mistake... 2) No one will understand it so my privacy will remain... well, private.




成为一名专业翻译家是我一辈子最大的梦想。到中国之前我已经学过了几年的英语、法语和日语。 没想到我一开始学习中文的时候,它就会成为我真正的职业。




Pretty signature. 

The hell... it's good. 
I mean it's... really good. 
I surprised myself. 
Of course, I've been writing that goddamn thing for 4 hours now... 
I still think I gotta read it another 1000 times before I'm ready to send it. 

I am SO sucking up right there, it's there, just right there for everyone to see (but not understand) ahhhh I feel powerful speaking Chinese... 

Please, please Professor X, please hear my prayers and write that goddamn letter... 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Elephant skin. Not snake skin, as I would have liked to think. My face is covered in elephant skin.
And it itches like fuck.

My eyes still can't stretch farther than slight blinking.
And now I've got TWO pimples.


There's no upside to it. Except, well... when it comes to my face, elephant skin is a lot of work. But fortunately for me, I'm a workaholic. Skin-wise. 

And you will heal, bitch. You will heal. 

Who says LEMONS are for LEMONADE?

God bless water.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

She did make pancakes.

And I got a reply from the university. Nothing much, just enough to ease my nightmares for a couple days. Said they can wait a little bit for that letter. Also, they need my academic transcript... my goddamn grades.
Called my previous university in order to get that damn thing, (woke up at 4 am Qatar time, 10 am Shanghai time) and turns out they're all gone for a school trip. Gotta call back on Monday.
Which means... everything stops until Monday.
Nothing to do but wait.
That teacher better have my letter ready by then.
Cross fingers.
I seriously can't take any more bad dreams.
My face literally can't handle the stress of it anymore.
Can't open my fucking eyes because the skin around my eyelids is dried stiff.
And now I have a pimple.
I never have pimples.
Life sucks. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Apocalypse NOW

It's May 15th, 1:27 am.

No news from professor X, no news from the university.


I went to the pharmacy today to ask for some special facial cream. They gave me something to ease the itching... not enough to ease the itching.

 I'm going to sleep tonight really, really not wanting to know in which state I will wake up tomorrow.

Unless my sister makes pancakes.

Monday, May 13, 2013

I shot the teacher.

I am utterly distressed.

It's all my fault and I know it. It's this fucking trait of irresponsibility that I've had my entire damn life, and once again, it's rearing its ugly head threatening to thwart my plans and destroy my life.

I am applying for a Master's Degree at X University and even though I've been in touch with one of the professors and I've sent all my paperwork, I still failed miserably at providing my letters of recommendation. Miserably. (Seriously, am I that unrecommendable?) 

With ten days left before deadline, I had no choice but to contact the only teacher at the University where I got my degree whose email I had.

This man was my teacher for a little over three years. By the end he still thought I was Russian. He actually lost my final exam and failed me. By the time I received my grades and noticed the horrible red script that said I had to take the course again, I went and confronted him. He actually had the audacity to tell me that he hadn't lost anything, and if he didn't have the exam that must mean I didn't take it. 

With no solid evidence that I had actually taken the test, except for a vague memory of the questions, I not only had to take the exam once more, but I actually had to sit through the entire course throughout the following semester. The exact same course, same book, same methods, same questions, same answers. I relished in the fact that every question I answered were his textbook replies. I made pretty damn sure by the end of the course that he damn well knew my name, nationality and the fact that I was the best damn translation student he ever had. I got full marks on that exam. Mas punto y estrella. 

Then he became my thesis director. Why? Because I chose a literary subject, and he majored in literature, or something along those lines. 

My director-approved thesis failed to impress the panel of judges and I was asked to start over. As I recall, they mentioned something about lack of direction. 

Took me about a whole year to get over that one, emotionally I mean. 

And now here I am once more, waiting for a reply from this man, the only one who I could contact in such short notice. Two days away from deadline. And I am hence, utterly distressed. He said he'd help me with the letter. He said he'd write it. Alright, those weren't his exact words. 

When I first emailed him, secretly I was hoping that if he didn't remember my name, he would surely remember the title of my failed thesis. He chose it after all. 

After that emotionally draining email I sent him where I humbly asked for his help on this one (surely he must at least feel a tiny bit guilty, I thought), I received his reply not two days after. I quote: "Ok." 

I poured out my desperate soul on email and came quite close to begging him for his help and the answer I got was "Ok." 

The worst part is... I believed him. I took his words seriously and I sincerely expected him to send me back that letter any moment. Any day now... Must be today. Maybe tomorrow. Check email. Fifteen minutes later, check again. Pace. Check again. Eat. Pace. Check again. I wasted one week waiting for him.

Last night I dreamt I was stalking him in the supermarket with his wife and kids, desperately seeking the opportunity to walk up to him with a knife hidden under my sleeve and ask him "Hey, professor. How's my letter of recommendation going?"

Today I woke up with a rash. 

I think I'm about to rupture a blood vessel. A big one. In my eye. 

Two days left. TWO. I already started on plan B. 
What is plan B you ask me, O brothers? 
Plan B, otherwise known as "Plan Begging" implies contacting the woman in charge of admissions at X University and Beg. With a B.  

Beg to still be considered. Beg to be admitted. Beg to be given the chance to turn in the recommendation letters a little later. 

That email is sent. 

I already asked my sister to check my inbox in the morning for the reply that will most certainly be there. If the response is affirmative, she will be allowed to wake me up and we'll go on with our lives. If the response is negative, she is forbidden to make a sound until my eyesight has been restored and my whole body rash is gone. Then I'll eat myself to death. That's the plan. 

Oh, and I gotta contact my friend in Benin and get me some Voodoo manuals. 

Tonight, no amount of Vegeta will help me. 

But I'll give that a try nonetheless. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Turkish WAR MASK

Pretty cool piece of armour at Doha's Museum of Islamic Art. 
Turkish war mask. 
Or how I like to call it, Turkish 'V' for Vendetta. 

Kinda well thought out, one of these bad motherfuckers comes close to me in battle and I'd probably just drop dead from heart failure.
Either that or I'd mistake him for a Saint Seiya warrior and fall in love. 

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

I swear... I'm hearing things.

I'm hearing someone's eerie voice chanting... something. And if I weren't in a Muslim country at the moment, I could have sworn I somehow time/dimension slipped into The Exorcist III... this is FUCKING scary.

Someone's chanting and woke me up. With his chanting. Deep voiced. Arabian nights kind of melody.

Should I pray? ?

Nah... or, should I?

Thing is... I'm in the 6th floor of a fucking Holiday Villa Hotel, it's not like I'm in a tent somewhere in the desert, with camels and.. stuff. I'm actually IN a building.... and I can hear someone chanting.

I'm about to say something really bad, but... what if they have some sort of microscopic speakers set around all apartments that suddenly go off at night and start playing random muslim chants?? I mean... what the fuck if.

Buddha save me, Buddha save me, Buddha save me.


I have found THE best DBZ fanfic ever.

And it's a goddamn ONE SHOT!!!

And it's a COMEDY one shot!!!

Link here:

Although I really think it should have been about Christmas or New Years... Because everyone knows they're Japanese! It's kind of weird they make such a big deal about Thanksgiving of all things, the LEAST internationally celebrated american holiday ever.

But since it was so good, I'll let that one slide by.  I laughed like a manic pig. On drugs. With a full bladder.

Totally worth it. 


Finally FINALLY came back from watching Iron Man!! Did I blog about the Paris fiasco?? (Went through hell trying to find a cinema in Montmartre and they kept directing us to porn theatres!) 

Well this, let me just say, was an experience. I mean going to the movies in Qatar. 

First of all, hats off to Qatari malls. Dammit, amusement parks and ice skating rinks INSIDE?! The hell... but anyways, other than the slightly disappointing movie snack we had, it all went smooooothly. The movie had subtitles in arabic of course, and it was in 3d, so the damn subtitles kept appearing wayy too close to my liking, but the movie wasn't censored like, at all.

Big relief, I gotta say. 

And and.. did you see the part when he goes all wahhhmmm and then all the other suits are like... there!?! Wasn't that aaamaaazing?!

Fucking villain, I HATE that guy, what's his face... Guy Pierce?? I've hated him since he played the villain in that Count of Montecristo movie that BUTCHERED the book... and why do his teeth look so damn fake?! Someone PLEASE tell me (I mean they're obviously fake but why doesn't he do something about it?!?!) 

I'm upset about that. I HATED him. And and then what the fuck... is he not going to be Iron Man anymore?!?! Cause in the comics he stops, of course, but then he gives the suit to Rhodie, and and Rhodie's had the suit since the beginning!! And he never got together with Pepper!! And and WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO THE AVENGERS?!??! 

He totally doesn't have any consideration. 

Agh... I'm upset, going to bed. Not. 

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Random ficness

Wow. Found a new fanfic and it's... wow.

Usually I'm more into ridiculous fluff or extremely hardcore lemon. But this one's got adventures in space and fights and well of course a relatively small amount of fluff. Man! It's like that doujinshi I found once, drawn like a dream, about Vegeta, Bulma, Trunks and, accidentally, Goku going on holidays to Namek. Wahh, Vegeta... I shiver.

But anyways! Just posting some funny quotes:

Vegeta: "Find a hideout. The Namekians are not to know we're here. Encapsulate the pods." 
Nappa: "Do what to the what now?"

I swear, Nappa cracks me up every time.

Link here:
Goes straight to ch. 5 and mind you, it's a sequel, so if you're not new to, just look up the first fic "Make a Wish" by the same author and you're gold.

Ahh... gym tomorrow, finally! Got new shoes I gotta break in. And then more studying and translating to do. Thank god I translate yaoi manga and not some dull contract mwaaha, I'll enjoy that while it lasts.


Well, it's done.

I no longer live in Corsica. 
Now I'm in limbo. A limbo called Qatar, where I will be residing until I get my Chinese visa, which will take up to 3 weeks. 

And then it's China time!! 
... but in the meantime... 
I've nothing to do. 

Friday, May 03, 2013

Juuuunjou Too Late

Wahhh I tried I tried I tried to do it as fast as I could...
but this awesome scanlation group got it before we did...
so I guess we'll have to keep on going...
And we will!
And I'll give it my ultimate best!
(Damn it, I'm in the middle of moving around the world yet again... can't, just can't!!)
Good news is, Junjou Mistake's newest chapter is sweeeeeet.

And I'm one step closer to China... 3 more weeks in purgatory... almost there!!! 

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Drunken haze

I have no idea when or how I got that drunk last night, but it was totally not worth it. I feel like someone kicked a hole into my head and the foot's still inside. And once you've had someone inside of you, you know when he's coming.

Tomorrow's my last day in Corte. 

I might go to the mountain for a bit. Then I gotta start packing. Start. Fortunately I don't have a lot of shit anymore. 
I wish I could take the left over liquor from last night. Fucking Qatar and their damn no-alcohol policies. 

And after that... it's China. 
I'm coming home. 

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Oh my Prince

Your cream cheese frosting hair melted in my fridge... bur your visage remains the same in my head. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Discovering new sensations

The past two days have been the best and the worst of my whole entire life.

And I have made an amazing discovery.
But I'm not telling because it's fucking private.
All I will say is this... I've met a real life Vegeta.
For obvious reasons I'm neither naming him nor posting his picture although trust me, you want to see him. 

So evidently now I'm branded for life with first degree burns. From how HOT that man is. But of course, he's an untouchable.

Ahh... unfortunately I'm leaving Corsica next week. For good. And Corsican (he's not Corsican) Vegeta will stay here. In my Corsica. It's mine, mine! Well, that's as far as that will ever get.

Gotta go plan a secret birthday party for my sister now (she's making me do it.)

Thursday, April 25, 2013



I am fucking precious. I am Mexican, I speak Spanish, English, Mandarin and and I can TOTALLY get French, and I can read in fucking Japanese (can't speak it but I can sooooo read it)... whatever, whatever, fuck youuuuuuuuu, I'm an absolute friggin JEWEL. 

Fucking Birds

Won't you let a woman try to stay awake??
8:30 pm they say... it's fucking 5:30 am... Saiyan time

Totally Smashed

I am TOTALLY drunk... I think. 

I'm reading an awesome awesome B/V fanfic and chatting with a new friend who happens to be another editor at the fansub I am currently a member of. But I am totally drunk nonetheless. Which is weird, I had not realised until I stood up to go to the bathroom. I have been drinking since noon today because I've been working on some flyers (and I'm not done yet!!)

Tooootally drunk, wow, it is damn weird to acknowledge it like that. (Flyers are looking fucking awesome- mind youu)

To celebrate I shall post a picture of my latest pride and legacy. 

I had been fighting with my sister the whole fucking day when we went to Paris, so as soon as we got to the hostel I fell asleep. To my merry oh so merry surprise, I woke up to my sister saying "Hey, I think there's a manga store right across the street" and DAMN if she wasn't right. 


So I bought the next best thing... the manga with androids 17, 18 and 19 on the cover, which basically illustrates Vegeta's fight with 18 and the moment he realises Mirai Trunks is his son... oh yes... 

And it's SO in French

I'll put it as my sister was kind enough to phrase it: "At least you're finally reading something in French."

Breakfast issues

I kind of totally love it whenever I read Bulma/Vegeta fan fictions they wake up to the smell of Bunny's "Eggs, bacon and pancakes" even though Bulma (unlike Chichi who's obviously Chinese) is 100% Japanese, they should be waking up to the smell of "Miso, salmon and rice"... 

Ahh, I've never been more thankful for being able to read in English as I am now. 

Bunny totally makes Vegeta cringe
Someone say LOOOOOVE????

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Proud to live in France, for once.

I know it's been everywhere in the news, but I was just in Paris for a day and I cried when I read the newspaper in the plane. 

Congratulations, France! You're worthy now. 

(This picture was not taken inside an airplane, I totally respect aviation security measures.)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013


Holy shhhhhwhat

I think I just landed myself an awesome gig in China for the summer.
Like a real job.

I can always teach English in the weekends but man oh man, if I can get my pathetic little name on payroll well... that's pretty huge, isn't it?

I'm going back to China.

China, do you miss me as much as I miss you?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saiyan Fetish? I take it back.

Seme Wars

Sooo... I'm posting a little teaser image of the manga I'm currently working on.

Wah, that sounds so damn professional doesn't it? The manga I'm working on...
I'm translating the Chinese scans to Spanish and fansub's admin is editing it, which I've come to realise, means she puts the translated text into the pretty little bubbles and makes it look nice nice 'n clean.

Since this manga is only available in Japanese and Chinese, I had to give it a name in Spanish, and at first I thought it was way too much responsibility and I got scared and didn't wanna do it. Fortunately I came back to my senses and gave it a try. I came up with "Semes en Guerra", which would be roughly translated as "Seme Wars" (if you don't know what a Seme is, I'm not going to saaaay hoping you'll google image search it, mwahaha.)

Anywhoo, yay. Something new, weird, slightly disturbing and fun to add to my CV.

2013 - Pesent: Official Chinese/Spanish translator for Kimi=Hana Fansub (Yaoi Manga)

DBZ Fanfics

Ya think this is crammed? 

You should see my brain. 

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Joined a fansub!!

The other day I found the latest chapter of a manga I really like in a facebook fan page in Spanish, but the manga was in Chinese and there was no translation. So I started translating it on my own and writing it on the comments section, theeen the admin contacted me and asked me if I wanted to help out with translating some more.

And I said yes!

So now I'm officially a fansub Chinese - Spanish translator!

Awesoooome <3 

Scary shit.

Went to the friggin hospital today and I walked out 5 months pregnant.

Whoaaahhh it definitely sounds wrong if I say it like that. We went to the hospital to help out with a 'simulation' or something, we were supposed to play the victims of an explosion. They gave us tags to hang around our necks that read the state of the patients we were supposed to play.

I was a fucking 5 months pregnant 26 year old woman. Suffering from headache and dizziness, had felt mild contractions but had already stopped. Pulse 87, Arterial pressure 100/68. Pff, like I know what that means.
And it just hit too damn close you know? Pregnant... fucking doctors...

Funny thing is, even if they knew there was a simulation being made, even though they had ALL morning to prepare for the 'emergencies', the hospital was still chaos.

They had me sitting down for hours on end and over 5 different doctors came over to take my pulse. They reeeally weren't taking it seriously. Well, honestly, neither was I. Although there was this woman that took the part 'hysterical' pretty damn seriously.

They were filming us too. I hope I'm not on TV... although I have a bad feeling.

In the end, if there was an explosion of that kind and over 50 people rushed to the hospital's emergency rooms, 80% would die. And I would have totally lost my baby.

I'm seriously disturbed... I need some gay manga. 

Monday, April 01, 2013

Redecorating Corte

My sister and I are working on making Corte a better place.
Which means... Corte meets Shanghai.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Good ole times.

I really should dye my hair back to red. And get me some of Frieza's lipstick.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

New Blog

I figured I should blog about my new blog. Hah.

Buuuut indeed, it's true. I've started a new blog called Yaoi for Dummies and it's awesome, I'm going to be endlessly talking about boys on boys and boys and more boys in looove.


Long live YAOI!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Chill. Religion doesn't have to be that scary after all!

The Corsicans are coming...

And they're dressed fabulously!

Religious procession march thing... Corsicans singing religious stuff with those damn awesome voices they have could have been pretty scary had I not realised they were just mismatched Mighty Masks!!!!!

And we ALL love Mighty Mask! <3

Hooray for Corsicans! They're finally learning! Cosplay Cosplay Corseplay Corseplay!

That fucking image is MIIIIINE! 

Thursday, March 28, 2013


"Dangerous Chinese Liaisons"

Dear China:

I watched this new movie you put out last year. It's an old story, done many many times before so obviously I wasn't expecting anything surprising or original. I watched it because I love you, end of story.

Even though it was visually appealing and one can tell you spent a lot of money on it, unfortunately it was dull as fuck. I'm sorry China, you failed.

Zhang Ziyi playing an idiotic woman's role is really a waste, but she's a good actress, she kinda nailed the part, the epitome of annoying. The main actor, what's his face? Turns out he's Korean. Well, one can never tell because China, even though you think you're hiding their accents, dubbing your own actors is very tasteless. You spend all this money on fancy sets and all, you could just as easily afford some decent microphones so you won't have to rerecord the audio and mismatch it to the actual film.

For yes, we can tell when the lines and their lips aren't synchronised.

And I could have sworn the soundtrack was recycled. I'm sure I've heard the same songs in some other movie. I'll find out soon enough. Bad China, bad.

Now, Cecilia Cheung... wow. And I thought she wouldn't make a real comeback after the sex scandal! Kudos! I liked even more than Glenn Close! And by god if she isn't cute as a button and evil as fuck.

And whooo is that hunk who played the young artist? My, my, if it wasn't a nice surprise.

All in all, dear China, don't recycle stories. I'm quite sure you can come up with something original on your own, and if you put in as much effort as you did in this film, you'll do great!

Oh and one last thing, I know you're seriously into the kind of tragic true love scenes that call for the death of one of the lovers in the other's arms.

Cut it out. It's seriously annoying. 

Sincerely yours,

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Reeeeally belated Valentines fic

One can't just write down whatever one's feeling at the time. Oh no, no. 

Some of us just do so anyways... 

I'm feeling particularly lonely tonight. 
Well, no. Lonely is not the word, but I've promised myself not to erase anything I've already typed. 
Lonely's not it... rather, isolated. By choice, mind you, I'm completely aware of it. Loneliness hah, how petty-hhhh... and yet inspiring, oh yes, yes. 

I've written a story about it, a mighty Junjou fanfic,  it's just the beginning but I'm getting there, my first Junjou ever! I'm pretty much in love with the characters so I'm emotionally involved and doing my best! Ganbarimasu!

Kamijou Hiroki, ooohh I dare, a well known associate professor at Mitsuhashi University, completely rejects the idea of being in love with someone 4 years his senior, who is still a student and a rather skilled 'seme' at that. And yet Hiroki, a name I love dearly, can't let go of his pride. Hiroki, Hiroki, I love you madly.

Did I mention the fact that they're both men? Of course I haven't. They haven't told anyone either. Only the best of us know their secret... 

And I go 'Dub dub dub duuub dub dub... dub me lord abortion...' and there I go again mixing Yaoi with Symphonic Black Metal and come up with something no one will ever enjoy but myself and Iiiiiiiiiii...  at times like this I can't help but sing 'DOOOOOOOM doooom dooom doom.' Doom's upon us. 

Gods everywhere: life's good. I've been blessed with YAOI insight... 



Kamijou Hiroki looked up from the current paper he was grading, he hadn't caught a thing of what that girl in front of him was saying. 

"Sorry, could you repeat that? I was a little distracted." he apologised.

Assistant professor Kamijou 'the Devil' Hiroki did not exactly inspire confidence. Due to his explosive temper and impulsive personality he was feared by his students and avoided by most of his colleagues. However his most characteristic trait had to be his complete lack of awareness whenever he had lines of words in front of him. As long as he was engaged in reading, the world didn't exist, a literature enthusiast as he was. He had barely even noticed one of his female students from first period linger after class and approach his desk. 

As professor Kamijou looked up and pushed down his reading glasses to better look at his student he realised the girl was trying her best to not look back at him, her face completely flushed, a killer tomato personified. 

"This… is for you." She slowly repeated, barely above a whisper. Hiroki's attention was then drawn to the little package neatly wrapped in bright pink paper sitting on his desk. 

'Don't- don't tell me it's that time of the year again!' He thought as cold sweat ran down his spine. 

His eyes turned from the little pink present to the girl offering it, unaware of the fact that he was becoming paler and paler by the second. 

"Please accept these chocolates," The girl student ventured to speak once again, this time her voice came out a little stronger. "Happy Valentines Day." she said before literally sprinting out of the room, leaving one petrified assistant professor behind. 

Kamijou Hiroki was a good looking man and yet not particularly masculine. He had a toned slender body, reminiscent of a professional swimmer on the slimmer side, with broad shoulders and overgrown dark brown hair reaching the nape of his neck on the back yet shortened at the front, barely covering the tip of his nose and combed sideways. His eyebrows seemed to meet at the center creating an eternal frown, well known to his students,  however his eyes shone with an unexpected innocence pooling within a light shade of brown, a color too well hidden from the world and yet too apparent to those being regarded by it. He was young, way too young for a university assistant professor, at barely 28 years of age he had already achieved his professional goals with excellency. His social skills outside of work however, were far from developed, being abnormally sensitive and ferociously timid. 

'No, I can't believe I didn't notice! No wonder, no way, don't tell me!' Hiroki thought hard, trying to remember his schedule for the day. 'I have three more classes and a conference at six! Agh! If I had known what day it was today I wouldn't have agreed to that damn conference! Maybe if I barricade myself in the office and send the students some random assignment through one of the secretaries… no I can't do that, we haven't even started on Edo prose yet!' 

Hiroki then stood up and began pacing back and forth, throwing ugly glances at his first Valentines present of the day every time he walked past his desk. 

It had to be the most embarrassing thing in the world, receiving a mountain of Valentines Day chocolates once a year, presents piled all around his desk, ridiculous wrappings, girls giggling madly everywhere he went! Once a year, no exceptions, his strict and hard facade as one of the most intimidating professors at the University was completely destroyed by a pink avalanche of gifts and letters, hearts and chocolates, candy, frigging candy of all things! 

'What the hell are they expecting from me?! Damn moronic girls, I'm their professor! Do they really think I'm going to get involved with one of them simply because their batch of fancy chocolates was better than the next one!?' Once a year, no exceptions, assistant professor Kamijou 'the Devil' Hiroki mumbled the same old monologue to himself after receiving the first present of the day. Not once had he remembered to not schedule extra activities on Valentines Day. 

"This has got to be the most embarrassing thing in the world." And barely were those words out of his mouth when an even more embarrassing image of his current male lover appeared before his mind's eye, 1.86m tall and holding out a pink box of white chocolates wishing him a 'Happy Valentines Day, Hiro-san'. Hiroki shivered trying to shake away the memory of the man he loved, doing the unspeakable. 

"That idiot is the worst." he whispered, covering his face with one hand. 

'Once a year, yes, I can cope with the embarrassment. In the end, it's just giiirls. Girls and their idiotic perverse versions of romanticism. Thousands of years of literature have taught us men the means of escaping from unavoidable situations such as... unrequited love.' 

'When it's a reciprocated love between two men, when you wonder wether there's a limit to how much one can love someone of the same sex, then you have a problem. And the heartthrob that is Valentine's Day hurts times a thousandfold.'

'That horribly sweet thadump thadump that pulsates inside my chest whenever I'm with him, whenever my thoughts are drawn towards him, should it hurt as much as it does?' 

'It shouldn't, and it doesn't. It's just today, just this one day, whenever these female minions of evil escape their encasement... I'm terribly aware of how hard it is to love another man. And then again, I'm reminded that MY Valentines Day is forcefully held indoors.' 

'And this offending object, this present, is now stuck down my throat and I can't breathe. How can something so affectionate cause so much damage? How can it throw me off balance by just sitting there?' 

'Nowaki... he's the same.' 

Without really noticing, Hiroki pulled out his mobile and dialled a familiar number. He held up the phone to his ear, still pacing back and forth, growing more and more impatient. 

After a couple of rings, someone picked up on the other side. 

"Hiro-san." It wasn't a question. There was only one person in the world who would answer the phone calling out his name so innocently. Simply because there was only one person in the whole world who was allowed to use that version of his name. Hiroki's heart throbbed painfully each time he heard it, finding not enough space in his chest to beat at its content. 

"I... hey, it's me." 



"I've just realised as well." Kusama Nowaki whispered from the other end of the line. 

'Who does he think he is, being all high and mighty?' Hiroki thought, trying hard to appear more annoyed than he actually was. 

"You forgot to take out the garbage this morning, it was your turn so I was annoyed by the stench as I left for work." was the first thing he had come up with, unable to speak his thoughts as he unintentionally wanted to. 'Why does it have to be this hard?' he thought as he closed his eyes and bit his lip. 

"I apologise, I overslept and left in a hurry." Nowaki was always polite, always careful with his choice of words. Something that pleased Hiroki, a literature professor, to no end. 

"Whatever, just make sure you take it out when you come back." A comfortable silence followed, the kind they were both accustomed to. 

"Hiro-san?" Nowaki suddenly spoke. 


'I love you. I love you. I want to see you. I want to see you so much.' 

"Dinner tonight?" 

It was completely innocent, every once in a while they would meet up after work at that same old family restaurant, have dinner and walk back home together. 

And yet the thought of being able to do so tonight... the possibility of them being together in this one forbidden day meant for couples of blue and pink... 

'I feel like I've been granted another ten years of life.' 

Was a true present. 

"Whatever. Just don't be late, see you at seven then."

Without waiting for a response, Hiroki ended the call and pocketed his phone. That was all the boost he needed to get him through the day and cancel that conference at six. 


And aren't they lovely? 

Back in the days when I was young and full of life I used to write the dirtiest, most graphic, most disgustingly vivid yaoi stories ever. 

Ack, my lovely self and I haven't actually experienced male gay sex... 

Hell, does that mean I can't write about it? 

Raise your hand if you've a twisted, twisted mind! Just let me get my cool back and I'll be posting the diiiiiiirtiest stories evah! 

Tonight I'm full of fluff though, shhiiiiiiiit. Junjou Egoist FOREVER.