Sunday, May 26, 2013

Feeling nostalgic, of corse.

Don't you just love it when an otherwise fine picture is completely ruined by the faces? View from the top of a village called St. Antonino, north west side of Corsica. Gawd, I was going through some pictures and I really do miss it a bit now... I miss green things and freaky weather. Qatar is just beige and sandy. 

Oh, by the way, I finally got around sewing my Capsule Corp patch on the left side of my leather jacket. Now it is just beyond awesome. 
Ahh, Corsica. The last few days we were there, every little thing about the island annoyed me. From the rocky streets to the smell of cats, the poor service in every restaurant, the cheap wines, the pretty people, did I already mention the freaky weather? Sunny and raining at the same time, it's not something you see everyday. And two rainbows at the same time, right next to each other? By the end it was all annoying me to no end. Not to mention the fact that these damn Corsicans build their streets with river rocks, so it's fucking slippery the second it starts to rain? God, rivers. I miss those damn things. But I still think we left at the right time. Right before it got swamped by tourists. 

And no matter what everyone says, winter in Corsica is a damn glorious thing. There's absolutely nothing to do, but it's glorious nonetheless. I guess I won't be eating wild boar stew and drinking home made mulled wine by the fireplace while it snows outside any time soon. Sigh. 

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