Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Moi, Me and Johnny

Me and my weird relationship with Johnny... the skull. You see, he's a beautah, unfortunately, he's far too close to me to be just a simple beautah. I'll describe an example. I was smoking a cigarette just before calling it a night, I lit my nighty night cigarette and was putting the ashes on a regular  glass and put that same glass on the nightstand, it took me two whole sips of my peroquette to realise I had completely spilled my booze all over my bed in order to avoid placing my ashes glass next to my Johnny, who holds a special spot on my nightstand, so yes, I do keep one glass for my booze and one glass for my vice, vice meaning cigarette ashes of course... separately...

I spilled my peroquette (pastis and mint syrup) all over my mattress... just so I could keep cigarette ashes from dusting my beautah Johnny... and now my mattress is fucking soaked.

Wtf, this is Corsica.

A wet mattress is the least of my problems. I'm really starting to question my choice here...

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